Marketing Jobs in Algeria

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Algeria, located in North Africa, is the second largest country in terms of land area on the African continent. Bordered by Tunisia, Libya, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco and Mediterranean Sea, its capital is Algiers. Algerian economy, like other Middle East countries, is largely based on petroleum and natural gas exports and reserves. The economy of Algeria has undergone a transition from the pastoral to the industrial one. This has resulted in fast paced development of the country, thus, generating plethora of jobs in Algeria.
Jobs in Algeria are growing in number as the country is rapidly developing across all sectors. The literacy rate of Algeria is quite high, touching nearly 80% and so, diverse industries are coming up in the area. This also helps in lifting up the revenues from industrial sector and shifting the economic focus from agricultural dependence. The sectors that are gaining high importance in growing Algerian economy and thus, providing more employment opportunities are management sector, oil industry, building and construction, engineering and hotel industry.
The government of Algeria is making conscious efforts to improve the working conditions and environment of the place. Job seekers from various other countries are migrating to Algeria in search of better job prospects. However, the population of foreign candidates in this country is much lesser as compared to other Gulf countries. With growth in almost every industry, the marketing and management sectors are especially witnessing boom. Many career avenues in this field have opened up as products and services require promotion so that they can be sold and bought by the people. This is integral to add revenues to the economy, thereby, strengthening the financial position of Algeria.
Some of the important positions offered in the field of marketing management in Algeria include the following:
  • Product Manager
  • Brand Manager
  • Field Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Engineer
  • Marketing Executives
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Senior Marketing Manager
  • Head of Marketing
  • Telemarketing Executive
  • Director Marketing
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Client Relationship Manager
  • Marketing and Business Development Executive
  • Assistant Business Development Manager
  • There are many more kinds of marketing jobs in Algeria lying vacant for the right candidate to fill them.
Also, Algeria is on the way to become the most important automotive market of North Africa. Its spare parts business is reaching new heights and seeing huge investments from within as well as outside the country. Various marketing initiatives are undertaken to promote the new and improvised services offered by this agricultural country. Many business opportunities have opened up as the well trained workforce of Algeria now possesses diverse set of skills.
Algeria faces the challenge of diversifying its petroleum based economy after years of stagnation. Important authorities in Algeria are now working on number of plans and initiatives that will help in encouraging and facilitating investments in strategic sectors. Several programmes for upgrading and developing public and private enterprises; small and medium-sized enterprises; etc. have been launched. These programmes are mainly aimed at improving their external competitiveness and preparing them for a widespread privatization. There are many development opportunities in other fields also like that of food processing, conservation technologies, agricultural imports, etc. Real estate in Algeria is also on an expansion spree as the housing shortage has created huge demand for property. Lots of building and construction work is to be seen in the country in the wake of supply deficit growing prominent everyday.
All such developments across all the sectors, improvisation of transport and infrastructure and other developmental plans seem to promise better living standards in Algeria. It is soon to become a preferred destination for expatriates as jobs in Algeria are also on a rise.
Deepika Bansal writes on behalf of, a leading job portal for jobs in Gulf Region, Jobs in Algeria, Middle East jobs.'s foray into the Middle East is an Endeavour to provide established client base with services that best meet their international requirements as well as expand our operations on to a global arena.

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The Dey and the Fly Whisk in Algeria

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The most interesting context of Algerian past revolves around the Dey rule over Algeria. The Dey was a Turkish governor who was running the affairs of Algeria, province of the Turkish Empire. The Turkish controlled the trade in the Algerian nation and the Dey was managing the legislation and rule of the Algerian people. The Dey was one of the most powerful and long lasting governor of Algeria. The French who were interested in Algeria began discussing trade issues with the Dey. They wanted to trade wheat and other commodities across the region whereas their core interest was Algeria.
The famous flywhisk of the Dey came into focus in 1827.It happened when there was a heated up debate between the Dey and the French consul in Algeria over the wheat trade issue. The Dey was very infuriated by this development that he produced the flywhisk. What happened is that the Dey was very angry with the French representative that he flicked him with his flywhisk to get back for what they did.
The French took this for an insult. The king of France ordered a naval blockade on the Algerian coast and a further expeditionary operation in Algeria. This was the beginning of the French invasion of Algeria. The French invasion was the first invasion to be happening with Algeria. Algeria had been under the Dey after the expeditionary pirate Turks found the coast of Algeria. They took over the coast and made the Algerian territory theirs. Algeria was under the Turks then.
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in travel industry. He also offers top quality articles like: Egypt Archeological WorkGhana Physical Characteristics

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Algerian Love Knot - Popularity of a Love Knot Necklace

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The Algerian Love Knot is being sought after since Bond girl Vesper Lynd wore that necklace in 'Casino Royale'. While the original piece was designed and manufactured by Sophie Harley, its price tag puts it out of reach for most of us. Meanwhile similar necklaces are available for a fraction of the original price, which makes it affordable for the average customer as well.
Within living memory, all kind of people believed in the magical abilities of knots. Already primitive cultures trusted in their magical power which they traditionally associated with things like weather, health, spirits and love. The latter usually consists of at least three, sometimes more, intertwined rings created from wire, that are flattened after fabrication. Typically standing for completeness and constancy it can be found in most cultures referred to as the Celtic love knot. This kind of knot became fashionable and popular in the 18th century as the knot was used by sailors to remind them of their beloved ones left at home.
What makes the Algerian Love Knot so popular?
In Casino Royale, Bond girl Vesper Lynd, starred by Eva Green, wears the Algerian Knot necklace throughout the whole movie and it totally steals the show. This necklace is created from intertwined gold and silver rings and while its ancient symbols touch the mythical mysteries it makes a perfect match to James Bond 007's mix of action, intrigue and romance and emphasizes Vesper Lynd's secret. Subsequently the Algerian Love Knot became a hit, especially within James Bond fans.
Inspired by the design of Vesper Lynd's necklace, Emitation's unusual sterling silver Algerian Love Knot necklace stands for joy, wealth, health and love and makes a perfect gift not just for the Bond girl wannabe.

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الاستثمار في الزيتون Arbequinia في الجزائر

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Expert Author Geir Holstad
The Spanish company is participating in a million hectare project to plant olive trees in Algeria. Through an Algerian subsidiary the company will plant 1,500 hectares. Of these, 500 hectares will be open to private investment. In choosing the most appropriate variety of olive to plant in its Algerian project the principals went to the University of Cordoba in Spain for advice. They came away with the recommendation to plant the Arbequinia olive, developed for hyper-intensive culture. The Arbequinia is a smaller tree making it easier to hand pick olives and can be planted as many as 1,780 to the hectare, which is what the company intends to do. This variety is believed to have originated in Palestine but the name comes from the Catalonian town of Arbeca. This olive is grown throughout Catalonia as well as Aragon and Andalusia in Spain and in countries as distant as Argentina and Australia.
The Arbequinia will be used because of its adaptability to hyper-intensive culture but also because its small, brown olive provides high-quality oil known for its buttery texture and peppery finish. The arbequinia has one of the highest oil concentrations among olives grown for olive oil, typically producing 20 liters of oil for every 100 kilograms of olive. Another advantage of the arbequinia is that it typically matures sufficiently to produce fruit by the third year as opposed to the fifth year which is more usual for olive trees.
This tree is very drought tolerant and is known for its long life. The arbequinia is cold tolerant and can thrive in soils of high salinity. It is one of only three olives suitable for super high density planting in orchards, the others being the Arbosana and Koroneiki.
These last characteristics of cold tolerance, suitability to intensive culture, and longevity are very attractive for planting in a country with a wide variance in rainfall. The arbequinia can adapt to a dry climate, colder night in the highlands, and can thrive with irrigation as well.
The doubling of world wide olive oil consumption in the 1990's will be followed by a tripling of consumption again by 2020 according to expert sources. Much of the major producing areas in Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Greece are in use. Sixty percent of cultivatable land in Greece is devoted to olive orchards! Thus the extra production will need to come from other nations with the climate, soil, and expertise conducive to production of high quality olives and olive oil. Algeria is a natural site for cultivating olives as it has a mild, Mediterranean, climate throughout most of the country.
The Spanish company will take advantage of growing demand for olive oil by planting the Arbequinia olive in its orchards in Algeria. Investors interested in this "green" project will find this a profitable way to plant trees, provide employment in rural areas, and provide the world with excellent olive oil.
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25 Facts About Algeria

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1. Algeria is the second largest country in Africa
2. Over 1 million Algerians died during the country's fight for independence from France which they achieved in 1962
3. Algeria is the largest exporter of propane/butane in the world
4. The highest ever recorded temperature in Algeria was 60.5 degrees centigrade
5. Algeria has the largest oat market in Africa
6. The area used to be known as Numidia
7. Constantine is twinned with Istanbul and Grenoble in France
8. Out of 132 capital cities studied, Algiers is considered to be one of the least livable
9. 80%-90% of Algeria is in the Sahara desert
10. Oran the second largest city in Algeria comes from the Berber word Wahran which means 'Two Lions' after sightings of the animals were seen in the area circa 900 BC
11. Former French footballer and World Player of the Year, Zinedine Zidane has Algerian heritage
12. Three languages are spoken. Arabic, French and Berber
13. In the 1800's Algeria was notorious as a base for slave traders and pirates
14. Algiers has the highest cost of living in North Africa
15. Situated in the Ahaggar mountains, Mount Tahat is the country's highest peak at 3,003m
16. The country is known for Bertolli's olive oil despite it having an Italian background
17. Algeria's national day is on November 1st and is called Revolution Day
18. Algeria is three times the size of Texas
19. The biggest sand dunes are located in Algeria
20. 'A sensible enemy is better than a narrow minded friend' is one of Algeria's proverbs
21. The town of Chlef formerly Al-Asnam derives it's name from the country's longest river and is considered to be one of the hottest urban area's in Algeria
22. About 25% of the country's population lives off less than $2 per day
23. Couscous is Algeria's national dish
24. The Algerian legal system is based on French and Islamic law
25. Algeria is the largest importer of agricultural goods in Africa
For categorized lists, facts, reference and quiz material go to []

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Yoga Exercises For Pregnant Women

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Pregnant women can definitely benefit from doing yoga. The experience is one in which you can focus on what is happening within your body, relieve the stresses from worry and anxiety as well as keep your body in shape during this time. Pregnancy is a time of great risk though, so any and all exercises performed during this time need to be done with great care. At any time that you feel that you have overdone it, stop and rest. Make sure to ask your doctor if yoga is safe for you during pregnancy especially if you have any complications during it.
Exercises You Can Enjoy And Reap Benefits From
Yoga breathing: Probably the most important aspect to the pregnant women is relaxing and relieving stress. Although it is not an exercise, it is a way of taking control of the body once again to encourage positive-ness and to increase health. The right breathing techniques can provide many benefits. Take the time to practice the most basic of techniques that yoga teaches in breathing.
Standing Yoga poses: In your first trimester, the best exercises to do are the standing yoga poses. These are basic and taught in most yoga sessions. This will help strengthen your legs and muscles and help with circulation while reducing leg cramps too.
Asanas: In the next couple of months, you can do what feels right to you. But, never push too hard. You may want to reduce the time that you spend practicing the Asanas as you do not want to overwork or tire your body.
Moderate twisting: You can do supine poses, backbends as well as some twisting as long as you are comfortable. Just ensure that you are doing these in moderation.
Word Of Caution
It is important to note that many yoga practitioners warn against practicing yoga from the tenth through the fourteenth week of pregnancy since these are crucial times in development. Also, it is important to never overstretch the abdomen during any time of the pregnancy. When twisting, do so with your shoulders and the upper back only. As for inversion poses, only do them through the seventh month is you are completely comfortable doing them. Never push too hard and yoga will be very enjoyable during pregnancy.
Mike Singh is the publisher of On this free online yoga resource, he provides more articles about health benefits of yoga.

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طرق تجنب قفل حساب ادسنس

    Comments 0سلام عليكم هدا اول موضوع لي في هده المدونة واحبيت ان اشارككم معلوماتي حول قوقل ادسنس لتفادي غلق الحسابات ما امكن المهم لندخل في الموضوع ادا كان محتوى موقعك عربي او اجنبي فتجنب هده الكلمات في موقع اعدروني لاني لم اضع كلمات عربية بس ترجم الكلمات ده وحاول ما امكن ان تتجنبها فالكثير من الاشخاص يقعون في هده المشكلة وما يدرون . قد تكون هده المعلومات شائعة بس حبيت اذكركم بها وارجو ان يكون محتوى موقعك خالي من افلام الفاسدة او اغاني وشكرااا

وترقبو المزيد من المعلموات عن طرق تجنب اغلاق الحساب في هده الصفحة
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة فضاءميات 2013-2013 | جميع المواد الواردة في هذا الموقع قوقها محفوظة ، نقل بدون تصريح ممنوع