Algerian Love Knot - Popularity of a Love Knot Necklace

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The Algerian Love Knot is being sought after since Bond girl Vesper Lynd wore that necklace in 'Casino Royale'. While the original piece was designed and manufactured by Sophie Harley, its price tag puts it out of reach for most of us. Meanwhile similar necklaces are available for a fraction of the original price, which makes it affordable for the average customer as well.
Within living memory, all kind of people believed in the magical abilities of knots. Already primitive cultures trusted in their magical power which they traditionally associated with things like weather, health, spirits and love. The latter usually consists of at least three, sometimes more, intertwined rings created from wire, that are flattened after fabrication. Typically standing for completeness and constancy it can be found in most cultures referred to as the Celtic love knot. This kind of knot became fashionable and popular in the 18th century as the knot was used by sailors to remind them of their beloved ones left at home.
What makes the Algerian Love Knot so popular?
In Casino Royale, Bond girl Vesper Lynd, starred by Eva Green, wears the Algerian Knot necklace throughout the whole movie and it totally steals the show. This necklace is created from intertwined gold and silver rings and while its ancient symbols touch the mythical mysteries it makes a perfect match to James Bond 007's mix of action, intrigue and romance and emphasizes Vesper Lynd's secret. Subsequently the Algerian Love Knot became a hit, especially within James Bond fans.
Inspired by the design of Vesper Lynd's necklace, Emitation's unusual sterling silver Algerian Love Knot necklace stands for joy, wealth, health and love and makes a perfect gift not just for the Bond girl wannabe.

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