The Dey and the Fly Whisk in Algeria

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The most interesting context of Algerian past revolves around the Dey rule over Algeria. The Dey was a Turkish governor who was running the affairs of Algeria, province of the Turkish Empire. The Turkish controlled the trade in the Algerian nation and the Dey was managing the legislation and rule of the Algerian people. The Dey was one of the most powerful and long lasting governor of Algeria. The French who were interested in Algeria began discussing trade issues with the Dey. They wanted to trade wheat and other commodities across the region whereas their core interest was Algeria.
The famous flywhisk of the Dey came into focus in 1827.It happened when there was a heated up debate between the Dey and the French consul in Algeria over the wheat trade issue. The Dey was very infuriated by this development that he produced the flywhisk. What happened is that the Dey was very angry with the French representative that he flicked him with his flywhisk to get back for what they did.
The French took this for an insult. The king of France ordered a naval blockade on the Algerian coast and a further expeditionary operation in Algeria. This was the beginning of the French invasion of Algeria. The French invasion was the first invasion to be happening with Algeria. Algeria had been under the Dey after the expeditionary pirate Turks found the coast of Algeria. They took over the coast and made the Algerian territory theirs. Algeria was under the Turks then.
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in travel industry. He also offers top quality articles like: Egypt Archeological WorkGhana Physical Characteristics

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