Marketing Jobs in Algeria

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Algeria, located in North Africa, is the second largest country in terms of land area on the African continent. Bordered by Tunisia, Libya, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco and Mediterranean Sea, its capital is Algiers. Algerian economy, like other Middle East countries, is largely based on petroleum and natural gas exports and reserves. The economy of Algeria has undergone a transition from the pastoral to the industrial one. This has resulted in fast paced development of the country, thus, generating plethora of jobs in Algeria.
Jobs in Algeria are growing in number as the country is rapidly developing across all sectors. The literacy rate of Algeria is quite high, touching nearly 80% and so, diverse industries are coming up in the area. This also helps in lifting up the revenues from industrial sector and shifting the economic focus from agricultural dependence. The sectors that are gaining high importance in growing Algerian economy and thus, providing more employment opportunities are management sector, oil industry, building and construction, engineering and hotel industry.
The government of Algeria is making conscious efforts to improve the working conditions and environment of the place. Job seekers from various other countries are migrating to Algeria in search of better job prospects. However, the population of foreign candidates in this country is much lesser as compared to other Gulf countries. With growth in almost every industry, the marketing and management sectors are especially witnessing boom. Many career avenues in this field have opened up as products and services require promotion so that they can be sold and bought by the people. This is integral to add revenues to the economy, thereby, strengthening the financial position of Algeria.
Some of the important positions offered in the field of marketing management in Algeria include the following:
  • Product Manager
  • Brand Manager
  • Field Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Engineer
  • Marketing Executives
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Senior Marketing Manager
  • Head of Marketing
  • Telemarketing Executive
  • Director Marketing
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Client Relationship Manager
  • Marketing and Business Development Executive
  • Assistant Business Development Manager
  • There are many more kinds of marketing jobs in Algeria lying vacant for the right candidate to fill them.
Also, Algeria is on the way to become the most important automotive market of North Africa. Its spare parts business is reaching new heights and seeing huge investments from within as well as outside the country. Various marketing initiatives are undertaken to promote the new and improvised services offered by this agricultural country. Many business opportunities have opened up as the well trained workforce of Algeria now possesses diverse set of skills.
Algeria faces the challenge of diversifying its petroleum based economy after years of stagnation. Important authorities in Algeria are now working on number of plans and initiatives that will help in encouraging and facilitating investments in strategic sectors. Several programmes for upgrading and developing public and private enterprises; small and medium-sized enterprises; etc. have been launched. These programmes are mainly aimed at improving their external competitiveness and preparing them for a widespread privatization. There are many development opportunities in other fields also like that of food processing, conservation technologies, agricultural imports, etc. Real estate in Algeria is also on an expansion spree as the housing shortage has created huge demand for property. Lots of building and construction work is to be seen in the country in the wake of supply deficit growing prominent everyday.
All such developments across all the sectors, improvisation of transport and infrastructure and other developmental plans seem to promise better living standards in Algeria. It is soon to become a preferred destination for expatriates as jobs in Algeria are also on a rise.
Deepika Bansal writes on behalf of, a leading job portal for jobs in Gulf Region, Jobs in Algeria, Middle East jobs.'s foray into the Middle East is an Endeavour to provide established client base with services that best meet their international requirements as well as expand our operations on to a global arena.

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